CHRISTIAN APPROACHES TO WEALTH, MONEY AND POVERTY KCSE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : CHRISTIAN APPROACHES TO WEALTH, MONEY AND POVERTY KCSE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CHRISTIAN APPROACHES TO WEALTH, MONEY AND POVERTY 1. [1991] Q2b, c b) State the teaching of Jesus on wealth Wealth should be worked for It is a gift from God Should be shared with the poor Can prevent people from worshipping God It is not permanent (rich fool) He should use wealth to get external life spreading the gospel c) Explain ways in which people misuse their wealth in society today Bribe for position or obtain something Bribe to escape punishment Use money to kill enemies, old people using money to reduce the young Prostitution Extravagant - buying two cars Buying dangerous weapons oppressing the poor exploitation Gambling. 2. 1994 Q 4b, c b) Give reasons why missionaries started schools To use them as means of evangelizing the Africans/ win African conver