
Showing posts from June 8, 2023


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Two variables x and y are such that y varies directly as x^n where n is a constant - ATIKA SCHOOL

Two variables x and y are such that y varies directly as x^n where n is a constant - ATIKA SCHOOL

An aircraft took off from point A (x degrees North, 15 degrees east) at 0720h, local time. It flew due west to another point B (x degrees North, 75 degrees West) a distance of 5005 km from A. - ATIKA SCHOOL

An aircraft took off from point A (x degrees North, 15 degrees east) at 0720h, local time. It flew due west to another point B (x degrees North, 75 degrees West) a distance of 5005 km from A. - ATIKA SCHOOL

​A road contractor has to transport 240 tonnes of hardcore. He will use two types of lorries, type A and type B. He has 3 type A lorries and 2 type B lorries - ATIKA SCHOOL

​A road contractor has to transport 240 tonnes of hardcore. He will use two types of lorries, type A and type B. He has 3 type A lorries and 2 type B lorries - ATIKA SCHOOL : ​A road contractor has to transport 240 tonnes of hardcore. He will use two types of lorries, type A and type B. He has 3 type A lorries and 2 type B lorries




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