
Showing posts from December 3, 2023


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Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers

Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers : Explore the academic and professional requirements outlined by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for the registration of teachers, ensuring the provision of quality education in Kenya.

61—Classification of land.

61—Classification of land. : Explore the classification of land in Kenya as public, community, and private, and the implications for ownership, rights, and management. Understand the constitutional provisions and legislation governing land classification.

65—Landholding by non-citizens

65—Landholding by non-citizens : Explore the regulations and implications of landholding by non-citizens in Kenya based on the Kenya Constitution and related documents. Learn about leasehold tenure, limitations on land tenure, corporate ownership, and trust arrangements.

63—Community land

63—Community land : Explore the constitutional provisions and legislation that secure the rights and protection of community land in Kenya based on ethnicity, culture, and community of interest.

66—Regulation of land use and property

66—Regulation of land use and property : Explore the functions and responsibilities of the National Land Commission in Kenya, ensuring transparent, sustainable, and accountable land management.

67—National Land Commission

67—National Land Commission : Explore the functions and responsibilities of the National Land Commission in Kenya, ensuring transparent, sustainable, and accountable land management.

60—Principles of land policy.

60—Principles of land policy. : Explore the principles outlined in the Kenyan Constitution regarding land policy, including equitable access, security of land rights, sustainable management, and more. Learn how these principles are implemented and their significance for the country's de


OVERVIEW OF CHAPTER FIVE—LAND AND ENVIRONMENT : Explore Kenya's constitutional provisions for land management, environmental conservation, and human rights protection.




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