
Showing posts from November 24, 2023


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6—Devolution and access to services

6—Devolution and access to services : Explore the significance of devolution and its impact on access to services in Kenya, as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Learn about the principles, restructuring of administration, and the role of local authorities in ensuring equitable res

5—Territory of Kenya

5—Territory of Kenya : Explore the territorial boundaries and implications defined in the Kenya Constitution 2010, including devolution, access to services, and the significance of territorial waters.

4—Declaration of the Republic

4—Declaration of the Republic : Explore the significance of the declaration of the Republic in the Kenyan Constitution of 2010. Understand the principles of sovereignty, democracy, and national values that shape Kenya's identity. Discover how the Constitution upholds citizens' rights, c

The Republic: A Fundamental Pillar of the Kenyan Constitution

The Republic: A Fundamental Pillar of the Kenyan Constitution : Explore the significance of the Republic in the Kenyan Constitution of 2010, its territorial scope, devolution, national values, and principles of governance.

A farmer has 1 Ha piece of land on which he grows maize. His farm record on maize production for nine years is as shown in the table below:

A farmer has 1 Ha piece of land on which he grows maize. His farm record on maize production for nine years is as shown in the table below: : A farmer has 1 Ha piece of land on which he grows maize. His farm record on maize production for nine years is as shown in the table below:

Give two examples of joint products in livestock production.

Give two examples of joint products in livestock production. : Discover examples of joint products in livestock production, including wool and mutton, mutton and skin, milk and butter, beef and hides, and honey and wax. Learn how these joint products maximize the economic value and utilization of livestock resources.

​Give two examples of fixed costs and of variable costs in the production of maize.

​Give two examples of fixed costs and of variable costs in the production of maize. : Explore examples of fixed costs in maize production, including depreciation costs of farm machinery, land rent/lease, salaries of regular labor, interest on borrowed capital, insurance, standing charges of telephone, electricity, water, and road licenses.




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