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What is Environmental Hazards

What is Environmental Hazards.    (2 marks) It is event in nature that poses danger to people and the other living organisms Virus-free.

Benefits of optimum soil temperature

Benefits of optimum soil temperature. Increase the rate of bio chemical reactions hence breakdown of materials to form organic matter i.e. for every 10oC rate doubles. Activates soil micro – organism especially the useful bacteria for nitrogen fixation, Ensures maximum activities for bio chemical enzymatic reactions that bring about growth e.g. germination process. Virus-free.

State 3 methods that Kenya can use to conserve her energy.

State 3 methods that Kenya can use to conserve her energy.  (3 marks) Control energy imported levels Encourage package transport for people working in some areas or residing in the same place Construct and maintain good road to ensure less fuel consumption e.g Mombasa highway, Thika Highway e.t.c. Encourage people to use energy saving jikos Encourage people to use renewable sources of energy e.g. solar in carrying out campaigns Virus-free.

State three recent developments that have taken place in Kenya to improve communication of information

State three recent developments that have taken place in Kenya to improve communication of information. (3 mks) Liberalization on the press Expansion of telephone facilities Introduction of mobile phones, pager services, e.t.c Liberalization of postal services Licensing of more private radio stations and television stations Virus-free.

Form 4 Geography students carried out field study on mineral found in the Rift Valley

Form 4 Geography students carried out field study on mineral found in the Rift Valley State three objectives of their study. (3 mks) To find out the minerals found in Rift Valley To find out the uses of minerals in the Rift To find out the problems miners are facing List down three problems they are likely to come across. (3 mks) Un conducive weather e.g. very cold, rainy, windy Attacked by wild animals e.g. reptiles Breakdown of the vehicle Some students may fall sick Language barrier Inaccessibility of some areas Hostile people Virus-free.

Explain the three effects of over-dependence of petroleum on the economy of oil importing countries.

Explain the  three effects of over-dependence of petroleum on the economy of oil importing countries.   (6 marks) Higher expenditure/foreign exchange/ spends more on importation Higher production costs/hence higher prices of manufactured goods Closure of industries which are not able to meet the increased cost of production coupled with increase in transport cost Slowed industrial growth as most industries depend on petroleum Economic recession in these countries as oil is necessary for all sectors of production Virus-free.

Explain three problems facing telephone as a means of communication in Kenya

Explain three problems facing telephone as a means of communication in Kenya. (6 mks) Poor reception or disruption of natural hazards like rainfall of the telephone lines therefore discourages the use of this facility Mismanagement in the organization that provides telephone services has hindered its expansion Vandaliation of telephone equipment has rendered most of telephone services Unavailable to users Development of other more faster and efficient means of communication e.g. electronic mail, has reduced the use of telephone High cost of installation and maintenance of telephone lines limit the number of subscribers Virus-free.

State four factors that are necessary for the occurrence of minerals.

State four factors that are necessary for the occurrence of minerals. (4 mks) Availability of necessary minerals to make mineral for e.g. deposits of vegetation and animal matter are necessary for formation of coal Presence of high pressure and temperature conditions to compact the raw materials and heat to form minerals Time during which the materials have been exposed to great heat and pressure Geological processes determine the minerals distribution e.g. vulcanicity and folding Virus-free.

State three cause of floods

State three cause of floods.   (3 marks) Deforestation therefore cutting down of trees in catchment areas exposes soil to agents of erosion and at the same time reduces water percolation Cultivation along river banks Blocked urban drainage systems Collapse of a dam Rise in the sea level Virus-free.

Name four forms of which minerals occur

Name four forms of which minerals occur. (4 mks) Veins and nodes Beds and seams Weathering products Alluvial/placer deposits Virus-free.

Identify three environmental hazards caused by human activities

Identify three environmental hazards caused by human activities.    (3 marks) Pollution Desertification Soil erosion Epidemics Virus-free.

Give reasons why Kenya has not been fully able to exploit her geothermal potential.

Give reasons why Kenya has not been fully able to exploit her geothermal potential.   (4 marks) Inadequate capital Low level of technology in the exploitation of geothermal power Inadequate areas are located in remote areas/sparsely populated areas far from markets Inadequate skilled man power to harvest geothermal power Danger of land subsidence as kinetic water is withdrawn Virus-free.

Apart from nuclear energy name three other non-renewable sources of energy.

Apart from nuclear energy name three other non-renewable sources of energy.   (3 marks) Natural gases Coal Petroleum Virus-free.

State three factors that hinder development of nuclear energy in many countries

State three factors that hinder development of nuclear energy in many countries.   (3 marks) It is very expensive to construct a nuclear reactor Waste from a nuclear power plant is highly reactive and life threatening therefore difficult to dispose In case of being faulty can result to disastrous accidents The raw materials uranium is very rare Virus-free.

Name two areas in Kenya prone to flooding

Name two areas in Kenya prone to flooding. (2 mks) Kano plains Lower Tana River The Bundalagi areas in Busia district Virus-free.

State three ways in which open cast mining affect the environment.

State three ways in which open cast mining affect the environment. (3 mks) it causes land dereliction which causes the land to lose its natural beauty. it causes the loss of productivity when loose soils, deficient of nutrients are left which cannot support agriculture mining exposing the land to agents of erosion hence rendering the land unproductive it leads to loss of biodiversity it causes harm to people and organisms when they drown in deep ponds caused open cast Virus-free.

Explain four ways in which mining contribute to the economy of Kenya.

Explain four ways in which mining contribute to the economy of Kenya. (8 mks) Provides raw materials for manufacturing industries Stimulates the development of transport and communication Opens up the remote areas through development e.g. water supply for drinking, construction of schools and hospitals Promotes settlement leading to growth of towns e.g. Magadi Generates employment opportunities where people earn income Promotes agriculture by providing market Lead to set up of other related industries Virus-free.

Why soil is important to crops.

Why soil is important to crops. Supports plant life anchorage. Provides nutrients and water Contains organic matter, food for micro – organism Virus-free.

State four reasons why the working schedule is very important in their study

Students from your school carried out a field study on a flood prone area in your country.    State four reasons why the working schedule is very important in their study.   (4 marks) To ensure proper time management and reduce tendency of time wastage To ensure no important area will be inadequately covered It ensures that the one carrying out field study is on course It is a pointer as to how much time will be required for the study It gives a step by step plan of activities for the day It is a plan or timetable to be followed List three methods of data collection they are likely to use. (3 marks) Observation Interviewing people settled near the flooded areas Taking photographs Sampling Virus-free.

Explain four ways of combating floods in Kenya

Explain four ways of combating floods in Kenya.    (8 marks) Construction of dams Building of dykes and artificial levees A forestation and reforestation Dredging and directing channels Virus-free.




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