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48—Access to justice

48—Access to justice : Explore the constitutional provision that guarantees access to justice for all individuals in Kenya. Understand the importance of removing barriers to justice and ensuring that any required fees are reasonable. Learn about measures to promote equal access

47—Fair administrative action

47—Fair administrative action : Explore the constitutional provision that guarantees every Kenyan the right to fair administrative action. Understand the importance of expeditious, efficient, lawful, reasonable, and procedurally fair action. Learn about the legislative measures to enfor

State five problems that hinder effective church influence in the social life of the community

State five problems that hinder effective church influence in the social life of the community : Explore the obstacles that hinder the effective influence of the church in the social life of the community. Discover ways to overcome these challenges and strengthen the church's impact.

State five factors which led to the coming of missionaries to Kenya

State five factors which led to the coming of missionaries to Kenya : Explore the factors that led to the arrival of missionaries in Kenya, including the desire to convert more people to Christianity, introduce formal education, settle freed slaves, improve living standards, and promote social transformation.

Give five reasons why Christians should live in a community

Give five reasons why Christians should live in a community : Explore the benefits of living in a Christian community, including the opportunity to dedicate oneself to God's work, proclaim faith, share resources, foster a sense of belonging, and find encouragement and strength in prayer and worship.

State five factors that led to the rise of African leadership in the Christians Church in Kenya

State five factors that led to the rise of African leadership in the Christians Church in Kenya : State five factors that led to the rise of African leadership in the Christians Church in Kenya

Discuss African views of creation and show how they are similar or different from biblical views of creation.

Discuss African views of creation and show how they are similar or different from biblical views of creation. : Delve into the diverse African views of creation, highlighting interconnectedness with nature and belief in a supreme being. Compare and contrast these perspectives with the biblical views of creation, focusing on monotheism, linear time, and human domini

List five missionary groups that established mission stations in Kenya between 1890 and 1904

List five missionary groups that established mission stations in Kenya between 1890 and 1904 : Missionary Groups in Kenya (1890-1904): Spreading Faith and Building Communities

35—Access to information

35—Access to information : Explore the constitutional provisions in Kenya that guarantee the right to access information, emphasizing the importance of transparency, accountability, and empowering individuals to exercise their rights.

44—Language and culture

44—Language and culture : Explore the constitutional provisions protecting language and culture in Kenya, emphasizing the importance of individual choice, community participation, and the prohibition of cultural coercion.

32—Freedom of conscience, religion, belief and opinion

32—Freedom of conscience, religion, belief and opinion : Explore the provisions safeguarding freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and privacy in the Kenyan Constitution, promoting inclusivity and autonomy.


31—Privacy : Explore the constitutional provisions protecting privacy and freedom of conscience in Kenya. Learn about the rights to privacy, freedom of association, and the significance of these provisions for individual autonomy.

30—Slavery, servitude and forced labour

30—Slavery, servitude and forced labour : Explore the significance of Kenya's constitutional provisions on slavery, servitude, and forced labour, their enforcement, and the implications for citizens. Learn how the constitution protects privacy and guarantees freedom of conscience, religion, belie

27—Equality and freedom from discrimination.

27—Equality and freedom from discrimination. : Explore how Kenya's Constitution upholds the principles of equality and non-discrimination, ensuring equal protection and rights for all individuals.

28—Human dignity.

28—Human dignity. : Explore the significance of Kenya's Constitution in safeguarding the sovereignty of the people, promoting human dignity, and protecting fundamental rights.

29—Freedom and security of the person.

29—Freedom and security of the person. : Explore how the Constitution of Kenya safeguards freedom and security, ensuring protection from arbitrary detention, violence, and degrading treatment.

26—Right to life.

26—Right to life. : Explore Kenya's constitutional provisions on the right to life, including the beginning of life at conception and the restrictions on abortion. Learn about the circumstances under which abortion is permitted and the role of trained health professionals in

25— Fundamental Rights and freedoms that may not be limited.

25— Fundamental Rights and freedoms that may not be limited. : Explore the fundamental rights and freedoms protected by the Kenyan Constitution, their significance, and their role in promoting justice and equality.

24—Limitation of rights or fundamental freedoms.

24—Limitation of rights or fundamental freedoms. : Explore the limitations placed on rights and fundamental freedoms in the Constitution of Kenya, examining the criteria, considerations, and exceptions.

22—Enforcement of Bill of Rights.

22—Enforcement of Bill of Rights. : Explore the enforcement mechanisms of the Bill of Rights in the Kenyan Constitution 2010, ensuring access to justice and protection of fundamental freedoms.

21—Implementation of rights and fundamental freedoms.

21—Implementation of rights and fundamental freedoms. : Explore Kenya's efforts in implementing rights and fundamental freedoms, ensuring social justice and dignity for all. Learn about legislative measures, vulnerable group support, and international obligations.

20—Application of Bill of Rights.

20—Application of Bill of Rights. : Explore the application and importance of Kenya's Bill of Rights in safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. Discover how the Constitution ensures the protection of human dignity, equality, and social justice.

19—Rights and fundamental freedoms.

19—Rights and fundamental freedoms. : Explore the significance of Kenya's Bill of Rights as an essential component of its democratic state. Discover how the recognition and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms contribute to preserving dignity, promoting social justice, and unlo


CHAPTER FOUR—THE BILL OF RIGHTS : Explore the provisions and circumstances under which citizenship can be revoked in Kenya. Learn about the legal framework and reasons for revocation, ensuring the integrity and security of the nation.

What's imperialism?

What's imperialism? : Explore the origins, effects, and structure of imperialism, a policy where powerful nations extend their control over weaker territories. Learn about the economic exploitation, cultural assimilation, political control, social disruption, and the hierarchi

Problems faced by archeologists in their work of re-writing history using unwritten history

Problems faced by archeologists in their work of re-writing history using unwritten history : Explore the obstacles encountered by archaeologists as they strive to rewrite history using unwritten sources. Learn about the lack of written records, interpretation biases, fragmentary evidence, multiple perspectives, and changing landscapes that pose c

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WHAT IS CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION? : Discover what Christian Religious Education (CRE) entails, as it teaches students about the principles, beliefs, and practices of the Christian faith. Explore the study of biblical stories, Christian ethics, moral development, and the nurturing of student

Enhancing English Oral Skills: KCSE Revision Questions for Interactive Learning

Enhancing English Oral Skills: KCSE Revision Questions for Interactive Learning : Download a comprehensive set of English oral skills questions for KCSE revision. These questions are ideal for group discussions, peer teaching, and interactive learning. Foster effective communication and language proficiency.

18—Legislation on citizenship

18—Legislation on citizenship : Explore the provisions and circumstances under which citizenship can be revoked in Kenya. Learn about the legal framework and reasons for revocation, ensuring the integrity and security of the nation.

17—Revocation of citizenship

17—Revocation of citizenship : Explore the provisions and circumstances under which citizenship can be revoked in Kenya. Learn about the legal framework and reasons for revocation, ensuring the integrity and security of the nation.

16—Dual citizenship

16—Dual citizenship : Explore the provisions and benefits of dual citizenship in Kenya, its implications, and how it promotes cultural diversity and economic growth. Discover the rights and responsibilities of Kenyan citizens with multiple nationalities.

15—Citizenship by registration

15—Citizenship by registration : Explore the provisions and significance of citizenship by registration in Kenya, including requirements and benefits. Discover how individuals can obtain citizenship through marriage.

14—Citizenship by birth

14—Citizenship by birth : Citizenship by birth is a fundamental aspect of the Kenyan Constitution of 2010. It grants citizenship to individuals who meet specific criteria, including those who acquired citizenship under the former constitution and those who would have acquired citi

12—Entitlements of citizens

12—Entitlements of citizens : Explore the entitlements of Kenyan citizens as outlined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, including their rights, privileges, and benefits. Learn about the importance of these entitlements and how they shape the lives of citizens.

13—Retention and acquisition of citizenship

13—Retention and acquisition of citizenship : Explore the provisions outlined in the Kenya Constitution of 2010 regarding the retention and acquisition of citizenship, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all citizens.


​CHAPTER THREE—CITIZENSHIP : Explore the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 regarding citizenship, including entitlements, retention and acquisition, birthright citizenship, registration, dual citizenship, and the revocation process.

​What are the reasons why Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice?

​What are the reasons why Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice? : Discover the reasons why the prophet Jeremiah strongly condemned the practice of human sacrifice among the Israelites. Explore the idolatrous nature, infidelity to God, disrespect for life, lack of knowledge, defilement of the land, absence of love and br

Why did the christian missionaries came in south Sudan

Why did the christian missionaries came in south Sudan : Explore the reasons behind the arrival of Christian missionaries in South Sudan, including the spread of Christianity, colonial influence, healthcare and education initiatives, humanitarian assistance, and cultural exchange. Understand the historical and

What are the relationship between the state and the citizens under social contrast theory according to John Locke

What are the relationship between the state and the citizens under social contrast theory according to John Locke : Explore John Locke's social contract theory and its implications for the relationship between the state and citizens. Learn about concepts like natural rights, limited government, consent, and the right to revolution, which shape the understanding of the

What is an allotrpe

What is an allotrpe : Delve into the concept of allotropes, which are different forms of elements with distinct properties. Discover examples like carbon's diamond, graphite, and fullerenes, as well as oxygen's dioxygen and ozone. Understand the significance of studying allotr

What are the relationship between the state and the citizens under social contrast theory according to John Locke

What are the relationship between the state and the citizens under social contrast theory according to John Locke : Explore John Locke's social contract theory and its implications for the relationship between the state and citizens. Learn about concepts like natural rights, limited government, consent, and the right to revolution, which shape the understanding of the

What is an equation for the burning of phosphorus in excess air?

What is an equation for the burning of phosphorus in excess air? : Learn about the balanced chemical equation for the burning of phosphorus in excess air, resulting in the formation of phosphorus pentoxide. Explore the exothermic nature of the reaction and the properties of the product.

Exploring a Phosphorus Bomb

Exploring a Phosphorus Bomb : Delve into the world of phosphorus bombs, also known as white phosphorus bombs, and discover their composition, effects, and controversies surrounding their use. Understand the dangers they pose to human health and the environment, as well as the regulati

Makala ya Kiongozi Mzuri kwa Lugha ya Kiswahili

Makala ya Kiongozi Mzuri kwa Lugha ya Kiswahili : Kujifunza sifa muhimu za kiongozi mzuri kwa lugha ya Kiswahili, ikiwa ni pamoja na uongozi wa mfano, mawasiliano mazuri, uwezo wa kuongoza na kuhamasisha, uaminifu na uwazi, na uwezo wa kufanya maamuzi sahihi.

Plea for Hope and Confidence: Kenyan Citizen Appeals to IMF in Open Letter

Plea for Hope and Confidence: Kenyan Citizen Appeals to IMF in Open Letter

Can a Farmer Do Without Extension Officers?

Can a Farmer Do Without Extension Officers? : Discover why farmers can benefit from the involvement of extension officers despite the availability of information through media and the internet. Learn about the specialized knowledge, tailored advice, practical demonstrations, problem-solving support,

What are the principles of agriculture extension?

What are the principles of agriculture extension? : Explore the key principles of agricultural extension, including a participatory approach, needs assessment, knowledge transfer, adaptive approaches, sustainability, and monitoring and evaluation. Learn how these principles shape the delivery of effective

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education & Extension (AGED) Degree at Kisii University

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What are the examples of permaculture techniques?

What are the examples of permaculture techniques? : Discover a range of permaculture techniques used to create sustainable and regenerative systems. From agroforestry and polyculture to water harvesting and composting, explore how these techniques maximize resource efficiency, biodiversity, and resilience.

The Three Guiding Principles of Permaculture: Earth, People, and Fair Share

The Three Guiding Principles of Permaculture: Earth, People, and Fair Share : Discover the core principles of permaculture - Care for the Earth, Care for People, and Fair Share. Learn how these principles guide the design and implementation of sustainable systems, promoting environmental stewardship, social well-being, and equitabl

​Give three sources where farmers may get tractor hire service.

​Give three sources where farmers may get tractor hire service. : Discover the sources where farmers can find tractor hire services, including government tractor hire programs, private contractors, individual farmers, cooperative societies, and agricultural machinery rental companies. Explore these options to access aff

Permaculture Farming

Permaculture Farming : Explore the principles and practices of permaculture farming, a holistic approach to agriculture that focuses on creating self-sustaining and regenerative systems. Discover how permaculture farmers maximize resource efficiency, biodiversity, water managem

​Embracing the Cultural Foundation of Kenya: A Closer Look at the Constitution's Recognition of Culture

​Embracing the Cultural Foundation of Kenya: A Closer Look at the Constitution's Recognition of Culture : Explore how the Constitution of Kenya 2010 acknowledges and promotes the significance of culture as the bedrock of the nation, fostering unity, inclusivity, and sustainable development.

6—Devolution and access to services

6—Devolution and access to services : Explore the significance of devolution and its impact on access to services in Kenya, as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Learn about the principles, restructuring of administration, and the role of local authorities in ensuring equitable res

5—Territory of Kenya

5—Territory of Kenya : Explore the territorial boundaries and implications defined in the Kenya Constitution 2010, including devolution, access to services, and the significance of territorial waters.

4—Declaration of the Republic

4—Declaration of the Republic : Explore the significance of the declaration of the Republic in the Kenyan Constitution of 2010. Understand the principles of sovereignty, democracy, and national values that shape Kenya's identity. Discover how the Constitution upholds citizens' rights, c

The Republic: A Fundamental Pillar of the Kenyan Constitution

The Republic: A Fundamental Pillar of the Kenyan Constitution : Explore the significance of the Republic in the Kenyan Constitution of 2010, its territorial scope, devolution, national values, and principles of governance.

A farmer has 1 Ha piece of land on which he grows maize. His farm record on maize production for nine years is as shown in the table below:

A farmer has 1 Ha piece of land on which he grows maize. His farm record on maize production for nine years is as shown in the table below: : A farmer has 1 Ha piece of land on which he grows maize. His farm record on maize production for nine years is as shown in the table below:

Give two examples of joint products in livestock production.

Give two examples of joint products in livestock production. : Discover examples of joint products in livestock production, including wool and mutton, mutton and skin, milk and butter, beef and hides, and honey and wax. Learn how these joint products maximize the economic value and utilization of livestock resources.

​Give two examples of fixed costs and of variable costs in the production of maize.

​Give two examples of fixed costs and of variable costs in the production of maize. : Explore examples of fixed costs in maize production, including depreciation costs of farm machinery, land rent/lease, salaries of regular labor, interest on borrowed capital, insurance, standing charges of telephone, electricity, water, and road licenses.

How national goals of education are related to movement activities - ATIKA SCHOOL

How national goals of education are related to movement activities - ATIKA SCHOOL : Discover how movement activities in education align with national goals, promoting physical fitness, holistic development, and social engagement. Keywords: education, national goals, movement activities, physical fitness, holistic development.

Navigating the Enchanting Journey: Exploring Kisii Town to Suguta Girls High School - ATIKA SCHOOL

Navigating the Enchanting Journey: Exploring Kisii Town to Suguta Girls High School - ATIKA SCHOOL : Embark on a captivating adventure from Kisii Town to Suguta Girls High School, discovering hidden gems and relying on local guidance.


WHAT IS CAPACITY BUILDING? : Capacity building is a process that enhances an individual's or an organization's ability to perform effectively. Discover the various aspects of capacity building, including training, institutional strengthening, knowledge sharing, resource mobilization,


WHAT WAS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST? : Explore the religious significance of the birth of John the Baptist in Christianity, including his role as the forerunner of Jesus, his baptism of Jesus, his preaching and influence, and his connection to Old Testament prophecies. Understand why his birth

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Comprehensive KCSE Questions and Answers on Reproduction in Plants and Animals - ATIKA SCHOOL : Enhance your understanding of plant and animal reproduction with this comprehensive collection of KCSE questions and detailed answers. Keywords: KCSE, reproduction, plants, animals, questions and answers.

What things do archeologists use to reconstruct the activities of people who live in prehistoric time - ATIKA SCHOOL

What things do archeologists use to reconstruct the activities of people who live in prehistoric time - ATIKA SCHOOL : Delve into the fascinating world of prehistoric societies as archaeologists uncover clues to their activities, technologies, and cultural practices.

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Supremacy of the Constitution: The Highest Law of Kenya

Supremacy of the Constitution: The Highest Law of Kenya : Learn about the supremacy of the Constitution of Kenya, which binds all individuals and state organs. Discover how the constitution establishes its authority, renders inconsistent laws void, and incorporates international law and ratified treaties into th




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