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Twitter Reactions to PGMOL: A Glimpse into the Football Refereeing World

Twitter Reactions to PGMOL: A Glimpse into the Football Refereeing World

Jamhuri Day: Celebrating The Day When Kenya Became a Republic.

Jamhuri Day: Celebrating The Day When Kenya Became a Republic.

Arsenal Injury Update: Gabriel Martinelli, Thomas Partey, and Emile Smith Rowe Latest News and Return Dates

Arsenal Injury Update: Gabriel Martinelli, Thomas Partey, and Emile Smith Rowe Latest News and Return Dates


​CHAPTER THIRTEEN—THE PUBLIC SERVICE : Explore the principles and structure of the public service in Kenya as outlined in Chapter Thirteen of the Kenya Constitution, and its relationship to national security.

How old is poland and how was it formed?

How old is poland and how was it formed?

The Kuwaiti Dinar: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Highest-Valued Currency and its Impact on Oil Prices

The Kuwaiti Dinar: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Highest-Valued Currency and its Impact on Oil Prices

Italy's Departure from China's Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing Trade and Economic Opportunities

Italy's Departure from China's Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing Trade and Economic Opportunities


​CHAPTER TWELVE—PUBLIC FINANCE : Explore the principles, framework, and implementation timelines of CHAPTER TWELVE—PUBLIC FINANCE in the Kenya Constitution 2010, promoting equitable financial practices.

The Qualities That Make a Man Cute - Unveiling the Secrets

The Qualities That Make a Man Cute - Unveiling the Secrets : Discover the elusive qualities that make a man cute and irresistible to women. Join us on a journey to understand the true meaning of cuteness.

What sacrifices has Singapore made in pursuit of its economic development over the last 40 years?

What sacrifices has Singapore made in pursuit of its economic development over the last 40 years? : Explore the sacrifices made by Singapore in its pursuit of economic development over the last 40 years. Discover the challenges faced and the measures taken to transform Singapore into a thriving economic powerhouse.

Closed-Circuit Television: A Comprehensive Analysis of Surveillance Technology

Closed-Circuit Television: A Comprehensive Analysis of Surveillance Technology : Explore the world of closed-circuit television (CCTV) and its applications in various sectors. Discover the history, technology, uses, prevalence, and privacy concerns surrounding CCTV. Dive into the technological developments, countermeasures, and its im


WHY IS THE LION CALLED KING OF JUNGLE? : Explore the reasons behind why lions are referred to as the 'kings of the jungle' despite being challenged by other formidable creatures. Uncover the truth and dispel the myth.

Why are Somalis not considered black?

Why are Somalis not considered black? : Explore the intricate dynamics surrounding the racial classification of Somalis and the reasons behind their exclusion from the category of blackness. Delve into the historical, cultural, and social factors that have shaped this perception, challenging pr

Is Justice Real? An Exploration of the Concept of Justice

Is Justice Real? An Exploration of the Concept of Justice : Delve into the question of whether justice is real or merely a subjective construct. Investigate various perspectives and arguments to gain a deeper understanding of this complex topic.


CHAPTER ELEVEN—DEVOLVED GOVERNMENT : Explore the key provisions of Chapter 11 of the Kenya Constitution 2010, which focuses on the establishment and functioning of devolved government in Kenya, aiming to ensure effective governance and equitable distribution of resources.

K.C.S.E Chemistry Q & A - MODEL 2006.PP1.QN.25

K.C.S.E Chemistry Q & A - MODEL 2006.PP1.QN.25 : K.C.S.E Chemistry Q & A - MODEL 2006.PP1.QN.25, Study the properties of substances V1 to V4 in the table below and answer the questions that follow. a) Which of the substances are liquids at 240C? b) Describe how a mixture containing V2 and V4 can be sepa

An investor took a loan from a bank that charged interest. the loan and the interest accrued were repaid in monthly instalments.

An investor took a loan from a bank that charged interest. the loan and the interest accrued were repaid in monthly instalments. : An investor took a loan from a bank that charged interest. the loan and the interest accrued were repaid in monthly instalments. The investor repaid Ksh. 1500 in the first month and in each subsequent month the instalments were reducing by Ksh. 50 until t

138—Procedure at presidential election.

138—Procedure at presidential election. : Get a comprehensive understanding of the procedure for a presidential election in Kenya according to the Kenya Constitution, 2010.

141—Assumption of office of President.

141—Assumption of office of President. : Explore the comprehensive process outlined in the Kenya Constitution, 2010 for the assumption of office of the President in Kenya, emphasizing transparency and accountability.

140—Questions as to validity of presidential election.

140—Questions as to validity of presidential election. : Explore the process for challenging the validity of a presidential election in Kenya according to the Kenya Constitution, 2010. Discover the time-sensitive steps involved and the role of the Supreme Court.

139—Death before assuming office.

139—Death before assuming office. : Explore the provisions in the Kenya Constitution, 2010 regarding the succession of a President-elect and Deputy President-elect in the event of their death, ensuring a smooth transition of power and continuity in leadership.

133—Power of mercy.

133—Power of mercy. : Explore the power of mercy as outlined in the Kenya Constitution, 2010 and understand how the President exercises this authority.

131—Authority of the President.

131—Authority of the President. : Explore the powers and duties bestowed upon the President by the Kenya Constitution 2010, including their role as Head of State, Commander-in-Chief, and symbol of national unity.

132—Functions of the President.

132—Functions of the President. : Explore the various functions and responsibilities of the President as outlined in the Kenya Constitution, 2010. Learn about their role in addressing Parliament, appointing officials, coordinating ministries, and fulfilling international obligations.

135—Decisions of the President.

135—Decisions of the President. : Explore the requirements outlined in Article 135 of the Kenya Constitution, 2010 for decisions made by the President, promoting transparency and accountability.

137—Qualifications and disqualifications for election as President.

137—Qualifications and disqualifications for election as President. : Explore the qualifications and disqualifications for becoming the President of Kenya as outlined in the Kenya Constitution, 2010. Discover the criteria and restrictions that apply to potential presidential candidates.

136—Election of the President.

136—Election of the President. : Learn about the process and timing of presidential elections in Kenya as outlined in the Kenya Constitution, 2010. Discover when and how these elections are conducted, ensuring a fair and democratic process.

China Discovers 'Black Gold'

China Discovers 'Black Gold'


CHAPTER TEN—JUDICIARY : Explore the importance of reflecting regional and ethnic diversity in the composition of the national executive as outlined in the Kenya Constitution 2010. This ensures inclusive governance and representation of all Kenyan communities.

130—The National Executive.

130—The National Executive. : Explore how the Kenya Constitution 2010 defines the national executive and emphasizes the importance of reflecting the regional and ethnic diversity of the people of Kenya. This ensures inclusivity and representation in the highest levels of governance.

117—Powers, privileges and immunities.

117—Powers, privileges and immunities. : Learn about the importance of powers, privileges, and immunities in Parliament and how they contribute to the effective functioning of democratic governance.

119—Right to petition Parliament.

119—Right to petition Parliament. : Explore the significance of the right to petition Parliament, its role in promoting citizen engagement, and how it allows individuals to advocate for change and influence the legislative process.

120—Official languages of Parliament.

120—Official languages of Parliament. : Discover the official languages of Parliament in Kenya and how their use promotes inclusivity, effective communication, and the expression of diverse perspectives in the legislative process.


121—Quorum. : Learn about the quorum requirements for the National Assembly and the Senate in Kenya, and how they ensure sufficient representation and participation of elected members in the legislative process.

122—Voting in Parliament.

122—Voting in Parliament. : Understand the rules and procedures for voting in Parliament, including the requirement for a majority vote, the role of the Speaker, and the prohibition on voting for members with a pecuniary interest.

123—Decisions of Senate.

123—Decisions of Senate. : Explore the provisions outlined in Article 123 of the Constitution regarding decision-making in the Senate, including the role of county delegations and the voting procedures for matters affecting counties.

124—Committees and Standing Orders.

124—Committees and Standing Orders. : Discover the provisions outlined in Article 124 of the Constitution of Kenya regarding the establishment of committees, the formulation of Standing Orders, and the procedures for considering appointments in Parliament.

125—Power to call for evidence.

125—Power to call for evidence. : Article 125 of the Constitution grants both Houses of Parliament and their committees the authority to summon individuals, enforce the attendance of witnesses, compel document production, and issue commissions for examining witnesses abroad. Explore the s

126—Location of sittings of Parliament.

126—Location of sittings of Parliament. : Article 126 of the Constitution of Kenya allows for parliamentary sittings to be held at any location within the country and at a time determined by the House. The President appoints the place and date for the first sitting of a newly elected House within

127—Parliamentary Service Commission.

127—Parliamentary Service Commission. : Explore the composition and responsibilities of the Parliamentary Service Commission in Kenya, including its role in providing services, appointing office holders, preparing budgets, and promoting parliamentary democracy.

128—Clerks and staff of Parliament.

128—Clerks and staff of Parliament. : Article 128 of the Constitution of Kenya outlines the appointment and role of the Clerks and staff of Parliament. Discover how these dedicated individuals provide administrative and procedural support, ensuring the efficient functioning of the legislative

110—Bills concerning county government.

110—Bills concerning county government. : Explore the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding Bills concerning county government, including their definition, classification, consideration process, and referral between Houses, ensuring a comprehensive approach to county governance.

111—Special Bills concerning county governments.

111—Special Bills concerning county governments. : Explore the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding special Bills concerning county governments, including the process for amendments or veto in the National Assembly and the referral of the Bill to the President for assent.

112—Ordinary Bills concerning county governments.

112—Ordinary Bills concerning county governments. : Explore the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding ordinary Bills concerning county governments, including the process of referral, reconsideration, and the formation of a mediation committee for resolution.

113—Mediation committees.

113—Mediation committees. : Explore the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding mediation committees, including their composition, role in developing a consensus on Bills, and the process of approval or rejection by both Houses, ensuring a fair and collaborative legisl

115—Presidential assent and referral

115—Presidential assent and referral : Discover the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding the presidential assent and referral of Bills, including the options available to the President, the actions Parliament can take in response to reservations, and the voting procedures requ

116—Coming into force of laws.

116—Coming into force of laws. : Explore the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding the coming into force of laws, including the publication process, the standard timeline for enforcement, and the exception for Acts that confer pecuniary interests on members of Parliament.

109—Exercise of legislative powers.

109—Exercise of legislative powers. : Discover the provisions outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding the exercise of legislative powers by Parliament, including the origins of Bills, considerations for county government-related Bills, and the introduction of money Bills.

106—Speakers and Deputy Speakers of Parliament.

106—Speakers and Deputy Speakers of Parliament. : Explore the provisions outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding the election and vacancy of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Parliament, promoting impartiality and independence.

108—Party leaders.

108—Party leaders. : Explore the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding the leaders of the majority and minority parties in the National Assembly, ensuring representation and leadership for different political groups.

107—Presiding in Parliament.

107—Presiding in Parliament. : Discover the rules outlined in the Constitution of Kenya regarding the presiding officers in Parliament, ensuring order and leadership during sittings and joint sessions.

97—Membership of the National Assembly.

97—Membership of the National Assembly. : Explore the diverse membership composition of the National Assembly in Kenya, including elected members, women representatives, and nominated members, promoting inclusive representation.

96—Role of the Senate.

96—Role of the Senate. : Explore the crucial role of the Senate in Kenya in protecting the interests of the counties and their governments, through representation, legislation, revenue allocation, and oversight.

92—Legislation on political parties.

92—Legislation on political parties. : Explore the legislation that Parliament needs to enact regarding political parties in Kenya, including the allocation of airtime, regulation of freedom to broadcast, registration and supervision, party funds, and more.

91—Basic requirements for political parties.

91—Basic requirements for political parties. : Explore the basic requirements for political parties in Kenya, as outlined in the Constitution, and how they promote democracy, national unity, and good governance.

88—Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

88—Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. : Explore the constitutional and legislative responsibilities of the IEBC in ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections in Kenya.

Starting with barium nitrate solution, describe how a pure sample of barium carbonate can be prepared in the laboratory

Starting with barium nitrate solution, describe how a pure sample of barium carbonate can be prepared in the laboratory : Explore the step-by-step process of preparing a pure sample of barium carbonate from a barium nitrate solution in the laboratory.

Who was told by God to leave his own country?

Who was told by God to leave his own country? : God commanded Abram, later known as Abraham, to leave his homeland and embark on a journey to a new land. This marked the beginning of a significant covenant and the fulfillment of God's promises.

83—Registration as a voter.

83—Registration as a voter. : Explore the qualifications for voter registration in Kenya, as outlined in the Constitution, and how they contribute to a fair electoral process.

84—Candidates for election and political parties to comply with code of conduct.

84—Candidates for election and political parties to comply with code of conduct. : Explore the requirements for candidates and political parties to adhere to the code of conduct during elections in Kenya, as per the Constitution and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

85—Eligibility to stand as an independent candidate.

85—Eligibility to stand as an independent candidate. : Discover the eligibility criteria for individuals to stand as independent candidates in Kenya's elections according to the Kenyan Constitution. Explore the constitutional provisions and requirements.


86—Voting. : Discover the provisions in the Kenyan Constitution that guarantee a voting process that is simple, accurate, verifiable, secure, accountable, and transparent. Explore the mechanisms put in place to ensure fair elections.

87—Electoral disputes.

87—Electoral disputes. : Explore the mechanisms established by the Kenyan Constitution for the prompt settlement of electoral disputes and the requirements for filing petitions concerning elections.

82—Legislation on elections

82—Legislation on elections : Explore the key provisions of the Kenya Constitution related to legislation on elections, and how they ensure fair and transparent electoral processes.

81—General principles for the electoral system.

81—General principles for the electoral system. : Explore the general principles outlined in the Kenya Constitution 2010 that promote fair and transparent elections. Discover how these principles uphold democratic values and ensure inclusive participation.


CHAPTER SEVEN—REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE : Explore the principles and processes of the electoral system in Kenya, ensuring fair representation, free and fair elections, and participation of citizens.


CHAPTER SEVEN—REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE : Explore the principles and processes of the electoral system in Kenya, ensuring fair representation, free and fair elections, and participation of citizens.

Give the characteristics of an African community.

Give the characteristics of an African community. : Explore the defining characteristics of African communities, including kinship ties, shared language, distinct customs, and a collective sense of responsibility.

Which country first domesticated sheep?

Which country first domesticated sheep? : Delve into the ancient history of sheep domestication, exploring the origins in Mesopotamia and its impact on human civilization.


THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA PORTAL : These linked webpages can be related to different topics, categories, or sections, allowing users to navigate and explore different content within the constitution of Kenya, 2010




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