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Introduction to Computer Answers

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 Introduction to Computer Answers

1. What are the different parts that make up a computer?
Mouse, Keyboard, System Unit, Screen(Monitor/VDU-Visual Display Unit)
2. CPU stands for?
Central Processing Unit

3. What is a Modem? What is it used for?
A modem is made from these two words: Modulation and Demodulation this means converting digital signal into analogue for transmission and vice versa.

4. Data that has been processed and has meaning is referred to as?
5. List three stages involved in transforming data?
6. Compare third generation and fourth generation computers.
3rd generation                                                                        4th generation
  1. Used integrated circuits (IC)                                         Used large scale integrated circuits(VLSI)
  2. Relatively lesser memory                                               Higher Memory
  3. Relatively lower speed                                                  Higher processing speed
  4. Larger in size                                                                Smaller in size
  5. Not Portable                                                                Portable
  6. Operated with command line interface                          Operate with graphical user interface
7. Which key areas were improved from first to fourth generation computers?
  1. Memory storage devices
  2. Processing speed
  3. Size of the system unit
  4. Power Consumption
  5. Ability to handle complex Calculations
8. Was Abacus a digital or an analogue computer?
  • Analogue
9. Describe five uses of computers in our society today.
  1. Saving Files
  2. Recording
  3. Transmitting data
  4. Manipulating/processing logical and mathematical data
  5.  Detecting

10. Describe the five generations of computers in terms of technology used and give an example of a computer developed in each generation.
first generation computers
used vacuum tubes and thermionic valves to process data, large in size, slow in processing and generated a lot of heat 
second generation computers
They used transistors but were faster and more powerful than first generation computers 
third generation computers
Used integrated circuits to process data, more powerful but more advanced than second generation computers
fourth generation computers
More advanced than all, use VLSI (very large scale integrator), more powerful with large processing speed, generate lesser heat and consume lesser power, are portable and capable of manipulating advanced expressions

11. How are computers classified? List the different types of computers and briefly explain where each type is most commonly used.
computers are classified according tophysical size, functionality and purpose.
Physical size-computers are classified according to physical appearance from the largest to the smallest vis a vis. the largest is a super computer, mainframe, mini computer and micro computer in that order
Purpose-computers are classified on what they do namely: General purpose computers that do a variety of tasks, Special purpose computers that are designed for one task and Dedicated computers that are general purpose but dedicated to  special function
Functionality:Digital computers, analogue computers and hybrid computers

12. Briefly state the differences between desktop and laptop computers.
  • Desktops are not portable
  • Desktops are larger in size
  • laptops are made from superior technology compared to desktops
  • laptops are more expensive
  • laptops have internal batteries that store electrical energy

13. Describe hybrid and dedicated computers.
Hybrid computers process both analogue and digital signals while dedicated computers are computers set aside to do a specific task

14. Compare with the aid of a diagram, electronic components of a microcomputer.

15. List any four advantages of computers.
  • They are cost effective
  • accurate
  • produce neat work
  • faster in processing

16. Briefly explain the similarities and differences between human beings and computer systems.
  • Both can process data
  • both can save data
  • both have logic
  • both generate heat
  • humans don't use electric power
  • computers are faster in processing
  • humans program computers
  • computers are more accurate





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