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Errors that do not affect the agreement of a trial balance.

Errors that do not affect the agreement of a trial balance. Errors of total omission. Error of original entry. Compensating errors. Complete reversal of entry. Error of principle. -- Virus-free.

Circumstances when per capita income statistics would be a good indicator

Circumstances when per capita income statistics would be a good  indicator When national income is evenly distributed among citizens. When national statistics are in real terms and allowances made to take care of price fluctuations. When output per year is based on essential and final goods/services consumed by the masses. When real statistics on population figures is obtained and not projections used. -- Virus-free.

Merits of globalization

Merits of globalization Facilitates application of better technology for improved goods. Encourages collaboration among businesses from different countries. Makes it possible to share new production techniques. Facilitates sharing of research findings. Enables business enterprises to take advantage of resources found in other parts of the world. Wider markets. Leads to transfer of capital. -- Virus-free.

Demerits of using newspapers as a means of advertising.

Demerits of using newspapers as a means of advertising. Does not cater for illiterate. May not reach rural areas. Expensive to book a space in newspaper. Message may be read only once as people are interested for that particular time. -- Virus-free.

Human wants one would satisfy.

Human wants one would satisfy.                           Secondary Basic Secondary Basic -- Virus-free.

Determining the size of a firm

Determining the size of a firm Number of employees. Volume of output. Floor space covered by premises. Amount of capital invested. Production methods used. Market served. Sales volume. -- Virus-free.

Benefits of pooling of risks.

Benefits of pooling of risks. Enables insurance company to compensate those affected. Enables insurance company to spread risk over larger number of people. Surplus funds are invested to generate profits. Enables the company to meet its operating costs. Enables the company determine the premiums to be charged. Enables the company reinsure itself. -- Virus-free.

Ways in which commercial banks facilitates transferring of money.

Ways in which commercial banks facilitates transferring of money. Standing orders. Credit transfer. Electronic transfer. Credit cards. Cheque/bank drafts. Traveller's cheque. Letter of credit. -- Virus-free.

Disadvantages of manufacturers if wholesalers are eliminated from the chain of distribution.

Disadvantages of manufacturers if wholesalers are eliminated from the chain of distribution. Beans risks associated with distribution. Incurs costs of advertising products. Incur costs of transporting goods to retailers. Manufacturers will have to break bulk. Incurs cost of storage. -- Virus-free.

Methods the government uses to protect consumers

Methods the government uses to protect consumers Setting up standards. By licensing. Weights and measures act. Foods and drugs act. Trade description acts/sale of good act. Public health act. Rent and tribunal act. -- Virus-free.

Causes of cost push inflation.

Causes of cost push inflation. Rise in wages and salaries. Increase in profit margin. Increase in taxes. Increase in cost of inputs other than labour. Reduction in subsidies. -- Virus-free.

Functions of wholesalers.

Functions of wholesalers. Act as a link between producers and retailers. Transport goods to retailers' premises. Offer storage to ensure continuous supply. Stabilizes prices due to storage of goods. Reduce operational costs as they link producers with retailers. Advise both producers and retailers about pricing. Advertise goods which they deal in. Prepare goods for sale by sorting, blending and grading. Financing trade by paying producers in cash. -- Virus-free.

Circumstances under which hire purchase may be used to acquire goods and services.

Circumstances under which hire purchase may be used to acquire goods and services. When the buyer does not have enough money to pay at once. When the buyer desires to own luxurious items. When the buyer is salaried employee or has regular income. When the buyer wants to use the item immediately before completing paying. When the product is expensive. -- Virus-free.

Features of economic resources

Features of economic resources They are scarce/limited in supply. They have money value. Some are mobile while others are immobile. They have alternative uses. Different places are endowed with different economic resources. They have ability to create goods and services. -- Virus-free.

Types of taxes

Types of taxes Direct Indirect Direct Indirect -- Virus-free.

Benefits that people receive from business enterprise.

Benefits that people receive from business enterprise. Creation of employment. Income generation. Obtain goods and services. Provide market for local resources. To be own boss when one starts a business. Special services are offered. Proper utilization of spare time. New invention among people. -- Virus-free.

Goals of development in a country

Goals of development in a country. Provision of adequate health facilities. Attainment of high and suitable economic growth. \ Alleviation of poverty. Attainment of food security. Maintenance of political stability. Provision of security. Alleviation of unemployment. -- Virus-free.

Method of product promotion

Method of product promotion Publicity Personal selling. Public relations. Advertising. -- Virus-free.

Differences between monopoly and perfect competition market

Differences between monopoly and perfect competition market -- Virus-free.

Give five factors that lead people away from the worship of God in the modern society

Give five factors that lead people away from the worship of God in the modern society (5mks) Materialism; people crave for earthly possessions at the expense of spiritual development Social injustice: Makes the mistrust God or conclude that God has deserted them Permissiveness in the society Influence from print and electronic media Urbanization Threats to human life Sexual immorality Scientific and technological advancement Drug and alcohol abuse Poverty Ruthless competition Obsession of power Education Virus-free.

Give seven ways through which the people in the Traditional African Communities use the environment to demonstrate their belief in God

Give seven ways through which the people in the Traditional African Communities use the environment to demonstrate their belief in God (7mks) Setting aside sacred places and building shrines for the worship of God Setting aside totems regarded as sacred such as animals, birds, reptiles Using land and other natural resources responsibly Praying while facing the heavenly bodies, mountains, objects which are regarded as symbols of God Using soil during oathing, cursing ceremonies, when blessing or making covenant Protecting the land because it was given to them by God Sharing of the resources given to them by God Giving to God the resources from the land such as grains and animal as offerings and sacrices Pouring libation to the ground   Burning sacrifices to God so that the smoke ascends to heaven Worshiping God to end a cal

Give reasons why the church encourage monogamous marriage

Give reasons why the church encourage monogamous marriage (6mks) It leads to achieving intimacy   between the couple Wife, husband and children get undivided love It easier to achieve complete faithfulness and trust between married couples It becomes easier to build mutual confidence between the couple It becomes easier to share resources in the family It is easier to bring up children in a healthy and peaceful atmosphere It the only legal marriage relationship The wife is able to enjoy all rights and privileges It is easy to achieve complete harmony and peace in the family It reduces the problem of inheritance upon the death of the father Reduces rivalry in the family among wives and children Virus-free.

List down eight achievements of King David in Israel

List down eight achievements of King David in Israel (8mks) He defeated the armies of the neighboring Kingdoms He established the geographical  boundaries of Israel after various military victories He established Israel as the powerful state in the middle East He killed the Philistine Warrior, Goliath through faith in God He seized Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made it his capital city He recovered the Ark of Covenant from the Philistines and brought it to Jerusalem He chose wise elders and counsellors to help him rule He composed many hymns and wrote the book of psalms He united the people of Israel by making Jerusalem a religious center He listened to the prophets of God such as Nathan He advised his son Solomon to obey Gods commandments in order to succeed as a king He established the longest serving dynasty known as the David

List down ways through which Christians renew their covenant with God

List down ways through which Christians renew their covenant with God (8mks) Partaking the sacraments Confessing of sins Making public testimonies about their commitment to God through his son Reading the bible Holding bible study groups Attending church services Going for retreats Attending revival crusades Praying and fasting Helping the needy and the poor Virus-free.

Identify seven teachings of Genesis 1 and 2 on marriage

Identify seven teachings of Genesis 1 and 2 on marriage (7mks) Marriage is monogamous Marriage is between a man and a woman Marriage is for procreation It is a continuation of Gods work of creation Marriage is a permanent union Husband and wife should not be ashamed of one another Man and woman are equal marriage partners Marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God Virus-free.

Outline good qualities that a Christian should consider while choosing a good leader

Outline good qualities that a Christian should consider while choosing a good leader (7mks) Honesty Wisdom Humility Courage Compassion Respect God fearing Good planning Selflessness Patience Reformist Obedience Virus-free.

Identify five reasons why politicians and the clergy should cooperate

Identify five reasons why politicians and the clergy should cooperate All authority are given to God To enhance peace and harmony in the society To enhance transparency and accountability in their work To ensure that members of the society receive essential services To enhance respect and good public image Both have a duty to promote the socio economic and political welfare of the society Virus-free.

Name the occasions when the oaths were administered in the Traditional Africa Communities

Name the occasions when the oaths were administered in the Traditional Africa Communities (7mks) During reconciliation ceremonies Marriage ceremonies After initiation When preparing for a raid When settling disputes During adoptions of a person into a family During the initiation into a secret society During the installation of a leader into the office During the making of peace treaties When buying land During naming ceremonies Virus-free.

Identify five reasons why Nehemiah carried out Religious reforms in Judah

Identify five reasons why Nehemiah carried out Religious reforms in Judah (5mks) So as to build a pure post-exilic community which was not contaminated by foreign influence To protect the new people of God who had renewed the Mosaic laws To ensure that those who were born Jews were loyal to the law and faithfully supported the temple were the people of God To ensure the survival of the people of God as a pure nation free from foreign blood To preserve the identity of the Jews Virus-free.

Identify reasons why God passed judgment on Judah

Identify reasons why God passed judgment on Judah (7mks) Rejection of Gods prophets and his Messages Baal worship/idolatry Trusting in the false words of the scribes Temple prostitution Offering of sons and daughters as sacrifices trusting in foreign alliances instead of relying in God Speaking of lies by the priests and prophets Insincere offering of incense and offerings Oppression of the poor and lack of concern for the helpless Use of dishonest means to  acquire wealth Practice of magic and divination Syncretism and apostasy Virus-free.




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