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State two properties of monosaccharide

State two properties of monosaccharide. (2mks) sweet taste soluble in water What is the main function of monosaccharide in organisms? (1mk) Provision of energy. Virus-free.

State the functions of the following parts of a light microscope.

State the functions of the following parts of a light microscope. Objective lens (1mk) Magnifies the specimen Diaphragm (1mk) Regulates amount of light passing through to the specimen Virus-free.

State the formula for calculating magnification when using the following

State the formula for calculating magnification when using the following: Virus-free.

State three factors that affect the rate of diffusion

State three factors that affect the rate of diffusion (3mks) Temperature Surface area to volume ratio Surface area Thickness of the membrane Type of medium What does a semi-permeable membrane correspond to in an animal cell? (1mk) Cell membrane Virus-free.

The cells shown below were obtained from two different plant cells which were immersed in 25% and 2% salt solution.

The cells shown below were obtained from two different plant cells which were immersed in 25% and 2% salt solution. Which of the two cells A and B was immersed in; (2mks) 25% salt solution………………………………………………A 2% salt solution………………………………………………..B Comment on the cell placed in 25% salt solution  (2mks) The cell placed in 25% salt solution lost water through osmosis & it became flaccid as the 25% salt solution was Hypertonic to the cell cap of the plant cell. What biological process was being investigated  (1mk) Osmosis Virus-free.

Classify the following carbohydrates into monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides: [category] [BIOLOGY] Real subject

Classify the following carbohydrates into monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides: Starch, sucrose, maltose, fructose, glucose, and cellulose. (3mks) Virus-free.

On 31st December 2013 Kiu Traders had made a turnover of Sh.80,000 for the fear and had a closing stock of SH.10,000. If the business was working at a margin of 20%, draw its trading account for the period ending 31st, December 2013

On 31st December 2013 Kiu Traders had made a turnover of Sh.80,000 for the fear and had a closing stock of SH.10,000. If the business was working at a margin of 20%, draw its trading account for the period ending 31st, December 2013 (4mks) Virus-free.

Meaning of insurance terms

Meaning of insurance terms Surrender value Amount of money that is refundable to the insured by insurer incase the insured has terminated the contract before maturity. Beneficiaries People named named in a life assurance policy to be paid in event of death of the assured. Re – insurance An insurance company insuring the same property it has covered with another insurance company called the  re – insurer. Cover note a document issued by an insurance company to insured when the insured has paid the first premium while awaiting the policy to be processed. Virus-free.

The table below shows descriptions of different types of partners. Identify type of partners that match the description

The table below shows descriptions of different types of partners. Identify type of partners that match the description Virus-free.

Give four reasons why some traders prefer to operate supermarket business

Give four reasons why some traders prefer to operate supermarket business Increase sales Lower operational costs Enjoy economies of sale Time is saved Virus-free.

Outline four features of monopolistic competition

Outline four features  of monopolistic  competition  Many sellers and buyers Products are differentiated No barriers to entry No firm has to control over factors of production Products are not perfect substitutes No interdependence in pricing between the firms Virus-free.

Outline four source documents used in recording transaction.

Outline four source documents used in recording transaction. Invoice Debit note Credit note Receipts Payment voucher Cash sale slip Virus-free.

Match the following description of errors with the type of errors made when keeping books of accounts

Match the following description of errors with the type  of   errors  made when keeping books  of accounts (4mks) Virus-free.

The following account balances were extracted from the migingo traders on 30th April 2002

The following account balances were extracted from the migingo traders on 30th April 2002 solution Virus-free.

Outline four emerging trends in office management

Outline four emerging trends in office management  Use of computers Using open plan office Merging duties of staff members Adapting customer care centers Use of modern communication methods Opening up offices away from town centers Virus-free.

Show the accounts to be debited or credited for the following transactions

Show the accounts to be debited or credited for the following transactions Answer Virus-free.

On 1st March 2006 the cash book of Kericho traders showed cash and bank balances of sh. 15000 and sh 147000 respectively. The following transactions took place during the month

On 1st March 2006 the cash book of Kericho traders showed cash and bank balances of sh. 15000 and sh 147000 respectively. The following transactions took place during the month May 3 cash sales sh 120, 000 May 11 paid sh. 7,500 cash in respect to wages May 16 received a cheque of sh. 250,000 from a debtor May 26 withdrew sh. 25,000 from bank for office use. May 29 paid sh. 97,000 cash to creditor Prepare a two column cash book                (4mks) Solution Virus-free.

Match the following description of errors with the type of errors made when keeping books of accounts

Match the following description of errors with the type  of   errors  made when keeping books  of accounts answer Virus-free.

Describe four channels used when importing commodities.

Describe four channels used when importing commodities.    Virus-free.

State four reasons why short message service (SMS) is replacing letters as a way of communication

State four reasons why short message service (SMS) is replacing letters as a way of communication Cheap to use SMS services Faster than letters Can be sent to many at once Realiable-delivery reports are given Virus-free.

Give four reasons for the increased use of mobile phones in banking

Give four reasons for the increased use of mobile phones in banking. (4mks) Fast in transacting business Reduce s paper work May be used to pay utility bills One can access account balance Safe to use (use of secret pin) i.e. reduce risk of carrying cash May be used to buy airtime Easy transfer of funds from one account to another Easy to  monitor ones financial transactors details Easy transfer of money from account to phone for other transactions. Virus-free.

State four functions of commercial attaches

State four functions of commercial attaches   Look for market for Kenyan goods abroad Organize trade tours for Kenyan traders Inform local producers of standards required and procedures in foreign countries Help in identifying agents in foreign countries for local producers Organize training for local businessmen abroad Avail information about selling opportunities in foreign countries Virus-free.

Give three reasons why the per capita income of a country may not change.

Give three reasons why the per capita income of a country may not change. When total output and total population increase at the same rate When total output and total population decrease at the same rate When total output and total population remain constant Virus-free.

State four merits of storing goods in a public warehouse

State four merits of storing goods in a public warehouse  Goods can be sold without physical movement Traders do not incur costs of constructing their own warehouses Goods can be used as collateral to get short term loans Goods are insured Enables large scale buyers to accommodate bulk from small scale sellers Additional services e.g. repairs are provided Virus-free.

State four circumstances under which it may be appropriate to use personal selling as a form of product promotion

State four circumstances under which it may be appropriate to use personal selling as a form of product promotion Its not easy to ignore like other methods Its more persuasive Immediate feed back about the product is got Seller is able to direct effort to a specific group Consumers are shown how to use a product Demonstration can be done Suitable for both the literate and illiterate Virus-free.

Benefits that may accrue to a firm as a result of growth of the industry.

Benefits that may accrue to a firm as a result of growth of the industry. Easier access to labour- where many firms are located in one area a pool of labour of various skills is usually available. Therefore firms relocating to the area find it easy to obtain. Improved/efficient infrastructure- usually where many firms are located, infrastructure would be highly developed e.g. roads, power, water and communication facilities. Firms relocating in that area thus enjoy the services of infrastructure already in place. Firms may be able to dispose off their waste product easily Ready market may be available from the surrounding firms Readily available services such as banking, insurance and medical care Adequate supply of power due to large volume of consumption e.t.c Virus-free.

Circumstances under which personal selling may be appropriate in product promotion.

Circumstances under which personal selling may be appropriate in product promotion. When the product is being launched in the market. Where the firm is financially able to finance sales persons. When the product is tailored to meet customers specification. Where the product is of high value. Where it is necessary to demonstrate the use of the product. Where the market is limited to a small local area. Virus-free.

Outline four difficulties that would be faced by an individual in the satisfaction of human Wants

Outline four difficulties that would be faced by an individual in the satisfaction of human Wants     Needs are unlimited Different tastes and preferences Government restrictions Different prices of goods Limited resources/income Virus-free.

Reasons for popularity of WhatsApp as a trend in communication

Reasons for popularity of WhatsApp as a trend in communication. (4mks) It offers unlimited messaging It has no hidden costs It offers international messaging It is simple to use Video calling available It is possible to send documents Virus-free.

Sources of capital to public limited companies

Sources of capital to public limited companies. (4mks) Sale of shares Sale of debentures Profits ploughed back Loans from financial institutions Renting and leasing out property Disposal of assets Purchase of goods on credit Virus-free.

The following is a table of activities. Name the utility that is created by each activity

The following is a table of activities. Name the utility that is created by each activity answers (i) Form (ii) Possession (iii) Place (iv) Place    Virus-free.

Reasons why a producer may prefer to sell directly to consumers.

Reasons why a producer may prefer to sell directly to consumers. Financial strength. Can use own retail outlets established in the market. Number of established /regular customers. If the established number is low, then direct sales are viable. Perishable goods. There is need to reach customers fast to avoid spoilage. Technical goods. So that he can demonstrate how they are used. Feedback required.  In order to get quick response from the customer about their feelings on the product. Scale of production. When the producer has a small amount of output can sell directly Need to keep prices low. Producers may want to control prices and keep them low by avoiding middlemen. Customer specification. If customers order goods directly, then direct sales are done. Concentrated markets. Where large markets are concentrated and accessible, then direc

Reasons why the government trains potential traders.

Reasons why the government trains potential traders. Expose them to modern developments in management. Educate them on efficient methods of operating business. Expose business people to problems facing them and their possible solution. Impart proper business ethics. Educate them on how to use available resources to minimize costs and maximize profits. Inform them on various available profitable business opportunities in their environment. Expose them to government policies regarding business activities in the country. Virus-free.

Reasons why most organizations prefer locating their offices in the outskirts of town.

Reasons why most organizations prefer locating their offices in the outskirts of town. To get ample parking space. Enough space for future expansion. Avoid traffic jam. To avoid noise interruptions associated with CBD. Cuts on rental charges/cost. Virus-free.

Outline four ways in which a good business structure is of benefit to a business organization

Outline four ways in which a good business structure is of benefit to a business organization(4mks) Facilitates easy control of workers Facilitates easy evaluation of workers Reduces confusion among workers Enhances teamwork Virus-free.




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